
Peak Rail 2023

Peak Rail 2023

By Stef Brassington After a hectic Easter weekend of egg hunts and chocolate gorging, what better way to spend a Bank Holiday Monday than racing a Steam Train. Organised by Matlock Athletic Club, the race started at Rowsley train station and while runners warmed up,...

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Beeley Cake Run

Beeley Cake Run

After a week of non-stop April showers, we too weren’t hopeful for the weather for this month’s edition of the cake run. However, Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny, leading to some speculation that Nicky has made a deal with the devil to guarantee perfect...

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2023 Paris Marathon

2023 Paris Marathon

By Peter Johnston This year I returned for a 5th attempt at the Paris Marathon. It's not one of the 'majors' but is still a massive race with around 75000 places. It was hard to know what to expect after 6 months since the last one, but a 1.31 half-marathon a few...

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Edale Skyline 2023

Edale Skyline 2023

The Edale Skyline – Sunday 26th March 2023 by Steve Elliff The Edale Skyline is arguably one of the most iconic routes that Derbyshire has to offer.  This 34 km / 21.1 mile route navigates the spectacular ridges and fells of the Hope Valley.  Organised by the Dark...

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Hathersage Cake Run

Hathersage Cake Run

This month’s social cake run set off from Hathersage. After some minor parking drama involving £1000 shoes, a group of 16 of us set off for some muddy miles on the trails. Despite the allure of less elevation than the February cake run in Cromford, we had a fair bit...

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Summer Derby Runner/BDL dates

Summer Derby Runner/BDL dates

The Summer league is nearly upon us! Be sure to save the dates as there are rumours circulating of tea and coffee, CAKE and post-run socialising to accompany the 8km of racing. All races are on a Tuesday evening at 7.30 aside from the first race of the season, which...

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Cromford Mills Cake Run

Cromford Mills Cake Run

We had 12 runners for this month’s edition of the cake run, this time setting off from Cromford Mills. The weather blessed us with a perfect, early spring day (actual warmth in the sunshine!) resulting in some jokes about needing suncream. We set off on the planned...

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2022 Club League

2022 Club League

After some excellent running by all throughout 2022, our club league winners were announced at our AGM. The Eliff household will be basking in the glow of victory (and from those shiny trophies) for many months to come! Full results are below:   Women’s league ...

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Edensor Cake Run

Edensor Cake Run

By Kat Davey Saturday morning started with brilliant blue skies and crisp frost underfoot as our Wirksworth runners assembled for the monthly cake run. Organised by Nicky, these are longer, away runs which end at a tea room for well-earned cake at the end. “Perfect...

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Derby Runner BDL at Bramcote Park

Derby Runner BDL at Bramcote Park

Written by Graham Robinson It was Long Eaton RC’s turn to host the latest Derby Runner BDL cross country event, held at Bramcote Hills Park on Sunday 15th of January. What better way to kick start our year of running than tackling laps of a muddy field in the cold!...

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Stuart Learmouth Memorial Undulator Race 2022

Stuart Learmouth Memorial Undulator Race 2022

Reported by race organiser, Chris Hubbard The Stuart Learmouth Memorial Undulator Race was run on Sunday 23 October. The race was fittingly started by Stuart's wife Kate in the pouring rain. This year the race attracted over eighty participants despite the appalling...

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My Running Journey, by James Windsor

My Running Journey, by James Windsor

Where did it begin? For almost all my life, I had been very overweight and did very little exercise. To the point, where after some abnormal blood test results, I was urged by my GP and others to try and lose weight and exercise regularly to protect my health and live...

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Carsington BDL 5th July

Carsington BDL 5th July

by Graham Robinson The 5th of July saw WRC's turn to host the 4th BDL event of the summer season at Carsington Water, which looked stunning in the evening sunshine. We received a very good turnout, with just shy of 300 runners entering this very undulating, and quite...

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WRC Sports Day, 2nd July

WRC Sports Day, 2nd July

15 WRC runners took part in our second annual sports day, at the Ilkeston athletics track.  We split into 3 teams and raced each other at 3000m, 1500m, 800m, 400m, 200m, 100m, with the shorter events involving relays. It was tremendous fun, everyone worked really hard...

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Tunnels and Trails, 8th June

Tunnels and Trails, 8th June

The Tunnels & Trails 10k made a come back after a 2 year break on the 8th June and didn’t disappoint. The event had a fantastic atmosphere with over 100 runners, many achieving a PB, and all enjoying cake (supplied by WRC and local scouts groups) at the end in the...

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Denby BDL June 7th

Denby BDL June 7th

Report by Lewis Glover The third Derby Runner BDL race of the summer season took place at Denby on a bright Tuesday evening this week. This particular event being somewhat unique within the BDL format as was a treble lap race with circuits 1 and 3 being the same and...

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Carsington 7+ race May 15th

Carsington 7+ race May 15th

Report by Stef Brassington The Carsington 7+ race was run on May 15th and after slightly bullying my other half, David, into entering with me, we joined the other 368 runners heading for a lap of the reservoir. Thanks to some wonderful toddler germs and both of us...

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Cromford BDL Tuesday 10th May 2022

Cromford BDL Tuesday 10th May 2022

What is very likely to be the steepest of the summer races of this series took place in Cromford on Tuesday evening. Weather was good, conditions were dry and there was a huge attendance up for the challenge presented by 450 feet of ascent (all of it in one long...

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Wirksworth Incline Race 2022

Wirksworth Incline Race 2022

I’m pretty sure this was actually the 30th running of this race that was started in 1990 and has had one year off for foot and mouth and one year for the pandemic. 106 runners lined up for the full incline race and one course record was smashed.  Derby AC men took a...

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Teversal BDL, 12th April 2022

The start of the first BDL of the summer season had the field of over 370 runners gathered against the old railway platform on the Teversal Trails, a short walk from the visitor centre. The previous railways of the Teversal Trails are now popular recreational paths...

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