Tunnels And Trails 10K Charity Race & Fun Run

10K race (15+) along the High Peak Trail, with a 2.6km Fun Run (under 15s). Almost entirely flat except for the short and gentle Hopton Incline

Date: Wednesday 12th June at 7.30pm, Fun Run (under 15s) from 6.30pm

Middleton Top Visitors Centre, Rise End, Middleton, DE4 4LS

Enter in advance only online for the main race.  Open to those aged over 15. Please note:

i) No refunds will be made.  All financial surpluses go to the club’s chosen charities.

ii ) No entries on the day for the main 10K race will be permitted.

iii) No substitution of entrants’ names will be permitted.

Enter on the night for the Fun Run (under 15s only).

Entry fee is £7 for the main race.  The fun run is free.

Car parking at Middleton Top is limited so please car share where possible.

Please bring your own cup / container for the water station as no plastic cups are provided.

Charity Fund Raising

£1200 to ‘Woods for the Future’

Over £850 goes to Derbyshire Air Ambulance

Over £700 goes to the Derbyshire Air Ambulance

Proceeds will go to the UK Sepsis Trust

We were able to donate £400 to Wirksworth Swimming Pool.

T&T Race raised money for Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres and Challenge Cancer Through Adventure.

The proceeds went to Mountain Rescue (money to be split between Edale & Derby)

Records & Results

Womens Records

OverallSally Hughes41:27
SeniorCeri Stewart43:45
V35Marie Widerman48:50
V40Sally Hughes41:27
V45Julie Goodwin49:29
V50Sally Wallwin44:00
V55Biddy Lindop59:15
V60Linda Rowlston53:10

Mens Records

JuniorSamuel Moakes36:02
OverallJoel Stephens33:56
SeniorJoel Stephens33:56
V40Mick McCinty34:40
V50Alan Pickering39:15
V60Andy Lindop45:26

Ready to take the challenge?