By Nicky Rose

The sun was shining as we set off for our cake run today from Meynell Gardens in Kedleston… It was an absolutely stunning morning as we trotted down the lane, helping a baby toad cross the road before crossing into the fields towards the Centenary Way.  The Centenary Way looks quite substantial on the map, though possibly hasn’t been used since last century! We merrily skipped along the only path-like route, only to realise we were going the wrong way… A mix of Clare’s compass, Graham’s phone, Gavin’s local knowledge and the map got us back on track, with the actual centenary way meandering through nettles, spikey thistles, and the never-ending forest of maize… It was quite an adventure!

Once we reached the road, we celebrated with Vegan Space Mix (from the amazing Skopa Zero Waste shop, Wirksworth!) and decided to avoid the Centenary Way for the remainder of the run!  We wiggled up and down the lanes around Quarndon, picking up the footpath back towards Kedleston, skirting around the Kedleston Hall Estate.  9 miles later (or 8 if you go by Simon’s Strava!), we arrived back at Meynell, where there were friendly faces, delicious lunch, cake and scones waiting for us!

Next time, 16th September, we’ll be running from Eyam! Look forward to seeing you there🙂