By Lewis Glover
Holmebrook park

Although the ground underfoot at Holmebrook park was undoubtedly categorised as ‘challenging’ to say the least, there were 173 folk who weren’t deterred, and assembled on Sunday 18th Feb to run what was certainly one of the muddiest BDLs of recent years. The field of runners included a mighty contingent of 13 representing Wirksworth. Unless you had wellies on, your feet were already completely sodden by the time you’d got to the start line, but the mass of runners from 13 running clubs were soon sent off to tackle 2 undulating loops of the park. Most cross-country runners are used to a bit of mud now and again, but this event raised the bar in the sticky stakes, entailing navigating through stretches of sodden grass before cartoon style wheel spins were order of the day, desperately seeking out any type of traction on the uphill sections. Skiing skills were subsequently called upon on the downhills to avoid ‘leaving the piste’ and despite best efforts several runners (including yours truly,) took a dive into the slime. Even with the difficulties, everyone made it round and post-run hot tea and cakes were more welcome than usual. The addition of a horse trough of clean water at the finish line was also surprisingly helpful!

WRC put in a great team effort. David Brassington was first over the line for Wirksworth and a very credible 20th overall. Beth was first to the finish for our ladies, followed closely by Kat and Janice. Within the age categories, WRC dominated the upper echelons of the M55 age cat with 3 of our runners in the top 5. Dave Spencer came 5th in his age cat too.

Congrats to Helen Moxon, debuting at Holmebrook for her first BDL who had a great run and stuck the course!

As always, it was a great atmosphere and well marshalled by the host team North Derbyshire RC.

Looking forward to next years!

Full results can be found here;
Holmebrook Ladies

Holmebrook Men

Pewit Golf club 

Those that had kidded ourselves the ground may have dried out a bit over the past couple of weeks rolled up at Pewit Golf Club on Sunday the 3rd of March for the final run of the winter series. At around 3° on the start line it wasn’t the warmest of days but once we all got going, the temperature was fine as there was thankfully very little wind.

The route starts off on a downhill section and varies through woodland trails and open grassland, before finishing adjacent to the golf club building. The mud plugging experience of Holmebrook park was drawn upon at several junctures of the 3 lap route, where the particularly sticky mud threatened to remove one’s shoes! The thick mud in places made it heavy going, and by the time runners were on the third and final lap of the route there seemed to be a lot less grassy bits to aim for…

We were 8 runners present from WRC. David Brassington managed to replicate his impressive 19th overall position from last year’s Pewit run. Beth was our first lady to reach the finish and Janice, only 3 places behind Beth, came in a very decent 2nd in her age category.

Thanks to the hosts Ilkeston for great marshalling. and signage!

Full results can be found here;

Pewit Ladies

Pewit Men

Pewit concluded the winter 23-24 series, for which the standings can be seen here;Ladies series

Men series

Note, there is a shorter than usual gap before the first race of the upcoming 2024 summer series hosted by Sutton which kicks off at 7:15pm on 16/04/24 at Teversal.